TTG 10-11-12 October in Rimini: Decus is there!

TTG 10-11-12 October in Rimini: Decus is there!

TTG 10-11-12 October in Rimini: Decus is there! 1140 500 Decus Italia

On October 10, 11 and 12 Decus will be present at TTG Travel Experience, the Italian event dedicated to the promotion of world tourism in the Bel Paese.

TTG is the only event in Italy entirely B2B, which has as its ultimate goal the meeting between companies, public and private, and companies that operate in the intermediation of national and international tourism product.

Decus will be proud to promote, at the TTG, its car rental services with driver and to meet the professionals of the Italian tourism sector.

We are growing more and more and we want to show you that we can count on our reliability and the services we offer.

The TTG will be held at the Fiera di Rimini from 10 to 12 October.
For info and updates, we refer to the official TTG website.
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